Production Data

How Many Left(UK)

Using the website

Of the original 422 UK delivered cars as of: Q4 2019 there were:

131 on the road (road legal) & 170 SORN(Statutory Off Road Notice)

Total = 301

Meaning the export, demise or race build of 121 cars!

Production Data

Area J F M A M J J A S O N D Total
Dealer Network 16 101 20 89 40 10 30 306
Company Cars 3 10 10 11 1 1 1 0 37
Fleet Sales 1 1 3 5
Japan 25 5 29 53 30 8 150
Switzerland 2 37 7 6 18 15 16 101
Italy 6 32 11 6 3 3 1 62
France 2 8 7 17 5 4 3 46
Belgium (Non Lux) 1 7 4 5 5 1 8 31
Spain 5 2 5 9 21
Austria 1 7 2 3 13
Sweden 3 5 4 12
Netherlands 3 2 3 1 1 10
Turkey 1 2 1 2 6
Estonia 2 4 6
Russia 2 1 1 1 5
Czech Rep 1 1 1 1 4
Norway 3 3
Finland 2 2
Denmark 1 1 2
Saudi Arabia 1 1 2
Greece 1 1
Diplomats 1 1
Abu Dhabi 1 1
Luxembourg 0
Croatia 0
Slovakia 0
Lithuania 0
Ukraine 0
Azerbaijan 0
3 10 48 247 52 177 134 67 79 827
Area J F M A M J J A S O N D Total
Dealer Network 1 1
Company Cars 3 4 7
GB 61 17 65 118 110 51 422
South Africa 13 7 34 11 65
Australia 2 10 3 8 23
New Zealand 8 2 10
Hong Kong 3 2 1 2 8
Singapore 2 1 3
France 2 2
Diplomats 1 1
Austria 0
Belgium (Non Lux) 0
Italy 0
Luxembourg 0
Malta 0
Switzerland 0
3 4 76 34 115 145 112 77 566

We know 24 cars were taken from the original GB allowance and reallocated(somewhere) due to the original December build number for GB of 75!. We also know from extensive work done on the CSLRegister that there were cars made in 2003. Therefore the above data is only BMW original plans and only helps with analysis!

The extensive data assembled by 'NBTBRV8' is here

Total LHD & RHD = 1393

RHD = 566

UK = 422